Monday, August 25, 2008

We Are One!

Can you believe that Sarah and I got married one year ago?

It is amazing how time flies. I can say that similar to children, at age one we are starting to walk (we're starting to figure things out), teething (we rarely argue, but more so than when we dated), and I am almost potty that I mean Sarah, most of the time, gets the upstairs bathroom to herself since I have to go downstairs to make a stinky.

Sticking with my lists for things, here they are for our first year:

The Good

1. Sarah - I definitely landed a keeper and love her more everyday. I still can't believe I found someone with all that she has to offer and that that someone liked me in return!

2. Having a partner in crime - We're not talking misdemeanors or felonies, it is just extremely nice to share travels/hiking/activities with someone that you love.

3. Everything is a combo platter- All my life I have wanted more than one thing on a menu, and Sarah and I have similar enough tastes that we can split things. It rocks.

The Bad

1. Heat exchange - We are still new enough in our marriage that we snuggle at night, and having another body next to you is like sleeping next to a furnace! You got to trade one hot for another I guess.

2. Living with an OSHA inspector- I thought I was clean for a guy, but apparently I am not the cleanliness nazi that Sarah would like me to be. Everything can always be cleaner now-a-days.

3. Non-combo Holidays- With parents in two separate states, we have to split visits. We never get to see everyone as much as we like. Maybe all family could move here? At least we have Beth in David local until next guys going to China will definitely make the bad list (for us, not everyones who's lives you will change forever) for year two!

The Ugly

1. Potty training - I spoke of this earlier. In year 2 I see resolution to this problem because we will have 2 bathrooms on the same floor.

2. From implosion to explosion- During the courting phases of a relationship, one would not dare to gas around the other. In fact, you wouldn't even risk crop dusting or a tester spray in fear that your significant other may catch a wiff. Well, lets just say that during the first year of marriage that changes.

3. The double "bubble" standard- How come when I have an audible or smelly output I am a "Freakin nasty freak", but when a female's behind exhales it is a "poof" and often found hilarious?

Overall this year with Sarah has been amazing and I couldn't be luckier. While year one has been great, I look forward to making year two even better!


Heather Ainsworth said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!!! I am so happy for you! You two compliment eachother so well. I am glad to have you in my life.

Anonymous said...

There must be a lot of gas in your family due to all the comments on it. The first part was really sweet though, I am so glad Sarah has a man like you. I prayed for you for many years and we are blessed to have you in the fam! Keep being good to her. We love you both very much. Beth