Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Nathan's Notebook

We are back. Yup. We decided that we would occasionally post a blog here and there for our handful of stakeholders out there.

So whats been going on with us lately, you ask? How kind. We did take a trip down to Great Sand Dunes over the long 4th of July weekend.

Otherwise, we have spent our time playing with Baxter, hanging out with friends, and watching life fly by. One thing that is new is that we are getting older and starting to notice. Really the "noticing" part is all that is new because everyone is always getting older, they just are not aware. Recently, these have been age indicators that we have picked up on:

1. Sarah leaned over to me in church last Sunday and said, "I want to be holding a baby during church." Wouldn't have heard that 5 years ago. And most important, this came as no surprise!

2. We bought a house/have a dependency on income now. If we lose our jobs we have a mortgage. Definitely didn't use the term mortgage or hear it nearly as much for the 28 years of my life leading to this one.

3. I have to stretch. It is ridiculous. I played in a soccer game for under 5 minutes before rolling my ankle. Have you seen White Men Can't Jump? I can now relate to Woody Harrelson and his stretching.

4. There was a fire on the mountain behind our house yesterday and I realized that everything we had wouldn't fit in one car.

5. Both sets of parents have become grandparents within the last year. This really hit home when I saw Grant in a picture WITH HIS GREAT GRANDMA.

6. I watched The Notebook.

7. I admitted to watching The Notebook.

8. I still think about The Notebook. But really that is what started this whole post. I always heard that it was an extremely sad movie, when in actuality the way the movie plays out is about the best you can hope for in life. Maybe that is what makes it so sad?

Thats all for now. When I was a kid some of my friends called me Nate the Great. Guess it won't be long before I am called Nate the Great Grandpa.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog! I like the fact that a sign of getting old is that all your stuff won't fit into one car. How true it is!

Lyons Den said...

To expand on the blog and the first comment. Once you have a baby to hold in church you find that all your stuff barely fits into one house.

Heather Ainsworth said...

Hahaha! I love it! I totaly know how it feels to feel older. If that made any sense. I look at myself and think "when did I have 3 kids? When? I feel like I just had my first, and that was already 4 years ago!" Anyways, I love this post, it is great. Are you guys thinking of having kids any time soon? Or is Sarah just feeling left out? Ha!