Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarah, my "baby"

For all of you that don't know, Sarah works for the National Park Service in the same building as I do. Her job is in the budget office and she deals with the new travel system. As a result, everytime I go to a park I get, "Hey, are you related to Sarah?" or "Is Sarah your wife?" This is kinda odd because I am use to people asking me if I am related to my dad. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how much money he has gotten the NPS or what he has done for the organization...he will never be as popular as the employee that gets you your money for travel...that being my wife.

Anyway, so today I was headed to lunch and I saw a co worker in the hallway. This is how the conversation went:

Employee, with travel voucher in hand: "Hey Nathan, is Sarah your daughter?"
Husband of Sarah, with astonishment in eyes: "Umm, NO."
Same employee, now with confused look on face: "Is she your younger sister?"
Husband of Sarah, with clogged ears?: "No, she is my wife."
Employee with jealously in his mind (assumed): "Oh, I was wondering if you were related."

What an awkward (aawwwkwaarrd: shout out to the Todds) way of asking. I went on to ask him how old he thought I was. He said he didn't know and slipped through the door, tail between legs. If I had Sarah at age 15, and he thought she was 20, then he must think I am at least 35!

Moral of the story: Never call your wife baby. It is degrading, and someone may take you seriously!